Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Humble beginning or humble return...

I have been away from penning my thoughts on this blog for almost 2 years now! In terms of eternity, that is not quite a long while. But in terms of our average earthly life span, it is. But, I have been thinking for a while now to return to this blog, which I created a while ago. 
One of the reasons that drove me back to this blog was the intention I had in mind when I made/created this blog. I wanted to share with my fellow beings, my thoughts about things and issues which I often find myself thinking through. These issues may range from the present state of world affairs or even mundane issues of daily life, whatever that means! Share my thoughts with others about everything, as a christian. A christian mind is not that only thinks about spiritual things, but it is a mind that thinks about anything around the world and beyond, yes, even those mundane aspects of this life, but from a biblical perspective. It is like wearing a set of colored goggles, and looking around.
On a more personal level, a lot has happened in my life in these last two years. Exciting things, challenging things, hard things, most of these things have molded me into a better person. I have finished some studies, started some new ones. 
Met some new people and new relationships were made. Heard from some old friends, and old relationships were strengthened. I was challenged by others, encouraged and built up and did the same to others who were around me. Visited some wonderful, breathtaking, scenic places. Thankful to God for all those wonderful people, places and experiences that enveloped me all my life so far. God has definitely orchestrated the change in my life though all these!  

So, all in all I am happy to be back. After having left this blog barren for almost two years, I want to now cultivate and sow here the seeds of my thoughts and convictions and experiences, in the form of words. I hope to keep the commitment of writing here on a rather more regular basis, a commitment that would last, at least longer than the time I have been absent since my last contribution here ! 

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:" Philippians 2:5

1 comment:

  1. Hey , Johny, wassup man!! good to see you in blogsophere..congrats on the PhD!! where are you now?
